In-Game Chat Questions

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем Danath, 21 дек 2014.

  1. Danath Аллодер

    Hi, while I was fixing the mouse speed problem in the allods2.cfg, I read this:
    Display message types in chat ([shout], [private], [ally])
    Now my doubts are: how chat works ?
    I mean, what are the functions of the three channels? (ie, I managed to guess "shout", but what is the difference between the other two types?)
    Have I to write some particular "/chatfriendly" command to speak only to some players or it's automatic based on my "Diplomacy" preferences?
  2. Choza_ Balance maker / Балансёр (PvP)

    Форумные баллы:

    press F1 in the game and read about all hotkeys
  3. obama Аллодер

    I saw that you can buy 'rare gem' for euro ....what does this gem does? Can i increase my body value?
  4. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Gem gives % in chaos machine and you can to use it only for crafting or trade with others for something (sell for gold or sets).
    Btw, on hardcore you also can clean those gems, but with low 1-2% capacity. Or win it on event with better %. Ask saros (Plamen) for details, how you can clean or win it, if it is interesting for you.
  5. obama Аллодер

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