Pinned What you need to run game...

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем Anotomix, 7 июл 2013.

  1. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    First of all you need the game.

    1. Lite version is available on the site:

    2. After installing a game, you need to apply game patch:

    3. You need a game login(s), which you can create and manage in your cabinet on site:

    4. Also in shortcut for better playing experience set compatibility mode with Windows XP SP3/98.

    5. Check also if you have some firewall, which allows connection to ALLODS2.EXE

    That's all.
    If you have any questions, please leave it here.
  2. nickeh Аллодер

    Can not connect to the hat? Why is that? I have done everything as it should be done. From Europe, Sweden
  3. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

  4. nickeh Аллодер

    Thank you! Solved my problem :)
    Anotomix нравится это.
  5. Curtainfalls Только зарегался

    I only get Blackscreen after starting the game. followed all the instructions just not the patch. Couldn't install it because everytime i tryed to install it in the game folder it told me i should install it there where the game was installed, what actually doesn't make any sense.
  6. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Remove compatibility mode on shortcut or on allods2.exe or set it to Windows XP SP3.
  7. Curtainfalls Только зарегался

    tryed booth. Didn't work :(
  8. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

  9. Curtainfalls Только зарегался

    installed the link. Tryed boot again. Still not working for me. I can tell you that the stream is getting a little brighter after a few seconds after i started the game but it basically stays black
  10. ZZYZX Мимозукс

  11. Curtainfalls Только зарегался

  12. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    i don't know what happened now, but every time i try to logg in i get this "downloading version information..." i know this message it's normal but the problem is that i have to wait like 1-2 mins to connect to hat, before i din had this problem, connected to server in less then 5 secs. Same situation if i "change map", have to wait 1-2 mins. Does any1 else have the same problem?
  13. Общак Balance maker / Балансёр (PvP)

    Форумные баллы:

    U should expect until server problems gone. Maybe about 2-3 days or a week.
  14. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    oh ok, tought the problem was with me, not the server:D
  15. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Fix is on the way, DDoS attack is eliminated, but need to remove players from bans.
  16. brand007 Фанат А2

    it depends sometimes you get error from server and sometimes you need to rebot the modem and log in again into cabinet also do you still have the same issues with the black screen , some extra details would be good like picture and information about your current version of the Windows , and tell again from step 1 , so i can see what you did with more information you can get closer to solving your issue . Also it will be good if you are not in a campus or something like that where the internet connection is shared or else you will have big troubles with the connection to hat .
  17. Mefo Только зарегался

    So I am having same problem as Curtainfalls ( Black screen) please help.
  18. Mefo Только зарегался

    DDwrapper fixed my issue.
  19. AzureDragon Только зарегался

    I get a problem saying "your client version is outdated" what do I do to fix the problem?
  20. Kosikov Знатный флудер

    Форумные баллы:

    1) download new but Russian language
    2) install
    3) play and have fun!

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