
Discussion in 'ALLODS2.EU: General' started by Chris, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Chris Только зарегался

    Aside from joke ... Is 45 players all from Russia. Every time I walk in board or I (Chris) or my brother (Mike) are hunted by every Russian you meet and friends whom I invited to play all the same have happened to them. As if you do not want other players outside.
  2. SadNiga Захожу на форум

    Most of the rus players are pretty young. They don't speak english and they don't understang what do u write and what do u want. So they are suspicious to foreigners and becides, they are agressive themselves. So my advice - try to find enlish speaking guyz (usually they are old enough to be adequate) and communicate only with them..
  3. obama Аллодер

    Well, i played for a long time and i made some friends, and by some i mean 2 or 3. But for example i can never really enter a quest map because 5 pk's follow me and do not let me clean. I tried to bring more friends in this game and ofcourse they dropped immediatly becouse they were killed in the easy ....medium maps...They didn't even had a chance to see the hard horror maps.

    Btw. Obama = MIKE
  4. spyker Фанат А2

    Forum points:

    Mike :) hi!
    it is quite natural to kill other players in allods. you do not russian, but even russians come under attack from other russians. you speak-language have no matter!
    You know (for example), when i go cleaning quest, i came under attack too, so read this text. (translate)
    Even if you speak russian, message like "do not kill please, i am newbie" have no influence on pk's. They intrested in your dress, no you purpose of game)
  5. obama Аллодер

    I am to old in this game not to know that ;). I know that very well. I was saying that there is no chance here for foreign players since i already tried to bring some and they give up fast because they got killed to many times and did not had a chance to learn. You have to understand that if there is no communication then chances of surviving in general are much slimmer.
  6. Shilov Moderator (Модератор)

    Forum points:

    English has never taught, so I write through Google translator.If you read the forum (through translator for example) you will see a lot like those in Russian.:) Kill all, another thing that you find it difficult to learn, because few people will be able to communicate fluently in English. There is a Bulgarian (Saros in the forum), he is one of the older players and can probably learn something (actually it basically it did), but I do not know if he can explain anything in English. Ask him, maybe help.:)
    But in general, the game can be sorted out on its own, having the patience and desire.
  7. SadNiga Захожу на форум

    Plamen speaks English for sure :)
  8. obama Аллодер

    As i said before, i say again now. I have no problem with this. Pk try to kill me in almost every map but, i am used to it. I also know who is pk and who is not pk. But my brother quit playing now....i also had a German friend that quit playing last week.
  9. spyker Фанат А2

    Forum points:

    so say them that this is features of game. there is no other way :) Or use contact with administrations. This is violation of the rules on item and are punishable by appropriate penalties:
    3.12. Murder and | or systematic obstruction of the game weaker player character Allods2.eu hat on light | medium maps hat Allods2.eu.
    (This rule protects only weak characters: not drunk any potions with spells up to and including the fireball (in scrolls and books), and dressed in a simple, no quest clothes with light and medium level. Characters drank the potion, and dressed in quest or things shall be added to the force, in the clothes of the characters difficult levels - are considered strong and the effect of this rule does not apply to them, the rule does not protect them.)
  10. Shilov Moderator (Модератор)

    Forum points:

    It is a matter of perseverance and commitment. Not everyone can get used to the game. Who is easier to play games where you have nothing to lose if you are killed.
  11. Ginger Аллодер

    Kill after war is honestly declared and killing by your ally who gives you view and alliance are but very, very different things, mate. :)
    Brutus here as an reminiscence :) .
    Generally, one can play the game under any circumstances emergent. That's true, but what is then the game like, mate?
  12. ZZYZX Мимозукс

    Nope, they're just dumb. I say it as admin of this place.
    Also, if you are being killed on easy/medium servers by players that are much stronger, then you may get them banned by reporting.

    Yes, the language you speak doesn't matter much, though you lose most of game's fun. If someone does something bad to you and explicitly says that's because you are not russian (which is strange, actually, I've never seen such things for years) — guess what? Report him. There's one cool rule that says being nazi is bad.

    So — don't be silent. Pats banhammer.

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