Help for a new player please

Discussion in 'ALLODS2.EU: General' started by draigan, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. draigan Только зарегался


    Been a fan of this game for a long time always installed it every couple of years to play with mates, did not know until recently that you could play it online :),

    I am getting the hang of playing on the hat but i have a couple questions

    The big one is How do you increase your health? i see other mages with over 1000 health but only 50-60 body so wondering how to increase my hp?

    The second is potions of attributes, is the requirement skill over 91 and 18mill xp?

    Would really appreciate any help you can give


  2. Общак Balance maker / Балансёр (PvP)

    Forum points:

    Hello Draigan,
    U should increase body from items of u can just equip quest items that raising yout HP.
    There is no requirement for drink potions. For collect it, u can complete quest from inn, that grants you a reward over 1 million exp\gold, and your character should have not fully maxed parameters.
    For example, if you dragging mail with inn, you reward is 2% from your current XP. 50 mil xp will grants you a potion, if mage stats not maxed.
  3. brand007 Фанат А2

    there are items on quest maps with 6 body per item and with using pots at max you get around 5640 health for mage . Also if you need help in the game you can contact me here on the forum or ingame and i can help explain some other things . If you want potions you need to make a quest that gives gold over 1 mil , and if you did not drinked the potions to max your stats , for mages it should be around 48 body 46 agility 52 mind and 50 spirit , as long as you keep 47 body 45 agility 51 mind 49 spirit you should be able to get potions from every hard and horror map as long as that quest is worth more than 1 mil gold reward and your character has over 50 mil XP . For more details in you case you need contact me on the forum here or ingame at ARNOLD or Brand007 and i will help when online .

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