Question for Mages

Discussion in 'ALLODS2.EU: General' started by kkmaka203, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    Hello guys, i wanna ask if its possible for mages to attack without using staff or spells? Some sayd yes, others sayd no, and now i am really confused. Some1 pls answer me who knows it for sure. Thx:D
  2. Общак Balance maker / Балансёр (PvP)

    Forum points:

    If u have item set str+3 or higher, set any spell to autocast (ctrl+a) and cast shield to target. Only works with enemies.
  3. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    thx for reply, got it now:D
  4. ZZYZX Мимозукс

    It might not work correctly if you put ANY spell as autocast.
    The easiest way to do this is setting Heal or Fireball to autocast, and targeting with fireball (the character will punch anything that stands in front of him).
    It will only work if the character is strong enough, though. The minimal requirement is ~60 body parameter in order to do at least 10 points of damage to an unarmored character (another mage, for example).
    With maxed out (with the current items, i.e. 84) body parameter a mage's punch will deal up to 200 damage with a hit.
    ixlavok likes this.

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