Breaking the rule

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем mohammad, 17 ноя 2020.

  1. mohammad Только зарегался

    Today, 17.11 at 18:30 (MSK time) some high player comes to kill me on one hit 1 day old warrior lvl 52 on Easy map. I am new, just curious if staff here is active enough to make effort to welcome new players or not. Thank you for your time :)

    image here
  2. Bene sit tibi Map designer (Картостроитель)

    Форумные баллы:

    Its called PvP server for a reason).
    If you want to learn to play, come to PvE (softcore).
  3. Общак Balance maker / Балансёр (PvP)

    Форумные баллы:

    Its prohibted to kill multipe times on easy and medium difficulties, if happens again post in hotline

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