Easy-quest clearing-tournament

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: Tournaments', создана пользователем Bene sit tibi, 14 апр 2020.

  1. Bene sit tibi Map designer (Картостроитель)

    Форумные баллы:

    This Saturday there will be an easy-quest clearing-tournament, each player will be able to enter only one character.
    Prizes are crafting crystals.
    Service in the imperial fleet was full of difficulties and trials. And after twenty-five long years, you can finally return home. Despite the snow and frost, the road did not seem particularly difficult, because the warm memories of a happy childhood and reunion with family and friends warmed more than the winter uniform of the empire. Suddenly, a huge conflagration is seen on the way. "What could it be? It doesn't matter. I'm almost back." With each step, your heartbeat and trembling hands became more and more unbearable. Is it possible that after long years of war and the suppression of peasant uprisings, a settlement burned to the ground could cause so much pain inside? Passing through the ruined village, a metal object appeared under your boot. A button of the punitive army of the empire? When you turned around, a burnt house stood out in the distance. Approaching it, there was no doubt left ... Despair quickly grew into an irresistible desire for revenge, to find and kill the general, commander of the punitive army.
    Cthulchu нравится это.
  2. Traphalet Фанат А2

    Форумные баллы:

    New map ? If yes, then this is a cool way to inaugurate it.
  3. shelya Фанат А2

    Форумные баллы:

    Intriguing announce. Let's fight for justice!
  4. Cthulchu Знатный флудер

    Форумные баллы:

    wowowowowow! how exciting :) omg, this is gonna be so much fun :)

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