How to bann someone?

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем Reahnen, 19 июл 2013.

  1. Reahnen Только зарегался

    I read in the rules that if another player kills another and won't let him/her play on easy and medium maps it's against the rules. It's not the first time now that a player kills me and won't let me play. I do not know what to do with this situation so I'm trying to find help. I upload a picture about him. Player.jpg The latest time this happened was at 2013.07.19 around 9:58 am (GMT+1). I saw him kill other too, I hope maybe this thread rech es someone who can act against him.
  2. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Leave a message in forum section "ALLODS2.EU: Contact Administration".

    Thread name: "Ban for PK on easy/medium server"

    Message must contain such information as:

    Server ID: ex. Medium 06
    Map (Optional): ex. Orc Domination v1.6
    Date & time: ex. 19.07.13 10:03 GMT+2
    PK nick: ...
    Your nick: ...
    Comments: ...

    P.S. Also you can attach screenshot, if you have such related with an accident.
  3. Reahnen Только зарегался

    Thanks I tried to make a post there. Hope it contains every useful information. :)

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