Pinned What you need to run game...

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем Anotomix, 7 июл 2013.

  1. kandrey89 Аллодер

    Why was local network mode removed? I'd like to try some maps and map modifications in local mode...
  2. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Because new client is not compatible with local game.
  3. kandrey89 Аллодер

    Is there a workaround? A different version, to play local?
  4. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Download GOG version with patch 1.07 and play.
  5. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

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  6. Dorath Только зарегался

    Hi can you help to login to the game? I am trying to login using my username 'Dorath' and my password which is the same for accessing this site.
    Am I missing anything?
  7. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

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  8. Marr Только зарегался

    Hi There
    I mannaged to run the Main Menu, I created the Login in Cabinet, now I am trying to run the game - it says "Failed to download updade".
    Could anyone help?

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