Skill cap

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем Dagoth, 3 ноя 2021.

  1. Dagoth Только зарегался

    Hello, everyone. I'm a new player here, and I eventually could be able to reach medium and hard maps.
    Though, now I can't get to hard maps, because of the "I'm too strong" thing, which I think it's because I reach a skill higher than an amount..

    So, my question is: what are the skill caps for each difficulty tier (easy, medium, hard) ?
    The main problem is that I raised my skill cap, but the gear didn't follow, so I'm just a meat pack for the horror monsters, and I'm even afraid of joining any map and get destroyed. Does anyone have any suggestion to overcome this? Like, maybe create a new char and move my gear to it and do the quests for easy/medium?

    Please, help a noob lol!
  2. Dagoth Только зарегался

    Also, I would like to ask for some knowldege I failed to find anywhere else:

    I noticed status points (HP & mana) get higher independently from battle skills (air/fire/pike/sword etc.).
    So, for HP & mana it's all about experience you get?

    Also, is there any way I get experience points without raising my skills, so I don't get forbidden to play "lower tier" maps?
  3. Dagoth Только зарегался

    One last question, for the ones with the patience to answer lol... if I die and lose the skills, will I be able to get back to lower tier maps?
  4. Bene sit tibi Map designer (Картостроитель)

    Форумные баллы:

    easy 0-50
    medium 26-75
    hard 51-95
    horror 90+



  5. Dagoth Только зарегался

    You deserve your spot in heaven !

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