СКУЛЬПТОР|ДУШ Must be banned.

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем obama, 27 фев 2013.

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  1. obama Аллодер

    I made a new char and i met Theo (a begginer that started 2 days ago.) in a medium map. СКУЛЬПТОР|ДУШ first tried to hit us with the spear. He couldn't because we were both without drinked potions, then he tried with wall of fire...still no. So he killed us with poison cloud. Theo can confirm this. СКУЛЬПТОР|ДУШ Must be banned. And i will continue to go on easy\medium maps with weak characters to test PK's that break the rules.
  2. Rush Нуб недоучка

    Форумные баллы:

    Server? Time?
  3. obama Аллодер

    Yesterday at about 20:00 (german time) I think it was the first medium server.
  4. raskal GameMaster (Хранитель порядка)

    Форумные баллы:

    it is revange for 1945 :F
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