2questions from still noob

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем ixlavok, 10 апр 2016.

  1. ixlavok Захожу на форум

    Hello again,i got two stupid questions just:
    how bonus to damage from mage body+5 set works?to unarmed attacks just?
    and what gives statistic called "magic lore"?i found it on legenedary legs and i dont have idea if this affect my warrior in any way or not:(
  2. brand007 Фанат А2

    you need mage with body over 70 to work , press CTRL + A on the healing spell , then unequip the staff and click on the shield spell then click that shield from close range 1 on the enemy and thus you have 300 dmg per hit , be aware this dosen't work on flying enemies .

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