Contest "Hidden treasures"

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: Contests', создана пользователем sunrei, 15 фев 2014.

  1. sunrei Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Many of you know that on quest maps some predefined items are put into quest mobs. But such mobs exist not only on quest maps. For example, there is an Ogre 3 on Waterfall v1.4 (middle-level map) in bottom left corner that holds potion of agility (his respawn time is about 50 minuts). There are 2 more quest mobs on this map.

    Objective: find quest mobs on non-quest maps (see list below).
    The mob is considered to be quest one if he holds at least 1 any predefined item (except scrolls) that is dropping out on killing the mob.

    Answers should contain mob type and his ID (you can get ID using map editor) or game screenshot, where mob position is distinctly found, and description of item dropping.
    Reward for every found quest mob - is 10 forum points (except Empire Border map - 5 points for each quest mob there).
    During the contest each participant can get maximum 200 points. On reaching this threshold, the correct answers will be counted without rewarding points.
    There is at least 1 quest mob on each map listed.

    Map list:

    The contest is common for russian and english section. Please check answers on russian thread to avoid duplicating answers.
    Traphalet нравится это.

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