Информация New Adamantium full warrior's set.

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: News', создана пользователем Lordark, 28 фев 2014.

  1. Lordark Moderator (Модератор)

    Форумные баллы:

    New Adamantium full warrior's set has been added on a Hardcore level. Items are placed in the same mobs as before on Trancer, Fantasy Quest, and Dream Quest middle level quest maps. Difficulty level of the quest mob groups has been slightly increase due to this change.
    This change does not apply on Softcore level.

    Detailed item description and comparison to old Adamantium set and existent Body +3 set can be viewed on attached images.


  2. SuperBossVu Только зарегался

    The third set is very weak against lv5 skeleton =))
  3. Traphalet Фанат А2

    Форумные баллы:

    That absorbtion is awesome, man.

    It's the perfect set to have in order to transition to c3 and then move on to daedra, death set (don't know it's actual name) , paladin...

    I recommend this to newcomers for clearing hard quest maps.

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