
Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: General', создана пользователем kkmaka203, 1 мар 2015.

  1. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    hello guys, as title says i wanna ask what is it? Another server perhaps which will be implemented soon?
  2. ZZYZX Мимозукс

    That's a new incomplete (at the moment) server branch meant to have different experience rates, maps and item sets compared to both of the current Softcore and Hardcore realms.
  3. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    sounds nice but the question is will it be pvp or pve server?
  4. ZZYZX Мимозукс

  5. crusher Только зарегался

    its PvP , watch out for Advokat he steal the satchels with all my items, its r.tared. I think i will leave this sandbox.
  6. kkmaka203 Аллодер

    i know he does that, i pked him now 169 times, u can check Super-Buff on "top players kills" haha, i am not a pker myself, i help players, but when some1 has to choice.

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