Важное: Support our project

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: News', создана пользователем Anotomix, 22 ноя 2012.

  1. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    Dear Alloders!

    Our project Allods2.EU, will be glad to receive your financial help to collect money for hosting, future upgrades and just to keep running the project.

    On question "What I will receive?" we answer, that supporting our project is voluntary and depends only your own motivation. We don't ask anybody to do it regularly, furthermore to send a big amounts. We will be glad to you for every ruble/dollar/grivne/euro donated, not depending on amount, because important not an amount, but the honor of players to the project and the Allods world.

    Our requisites:

    410012093628488 (russian rubles)

    anotomix@gmail.com (any currency supported by system auto-converted to euros)

    P.S. Important! Please, put transaction comment in following format: ALLODS2.EU, YOUR_CABINET, COMMENTS
    P.P.S. In case, if you want, that your transaction stay anonymous, please at least write down the transaction comment (text ALLODS2.EU is required). :)

    Example: ALLODS2.EU, VASYA_PUPKIN, just another donation

    We thank forwards all who was supporting to keep running project Allods2.EU!

    If you have any other offers, ideas or questions about supporting the project, please fill free to write them in this topic.

    Kind Regards,
    Administration of Allods2.EU
  2. tratatuly Аллодер

    okey , i send you 30 euro , thx for stable connect
  3. siodo Только зарегался

    I dont know where i put this message but Anotomix, my game login did my problem again, can you re-look it? Thanks! :)
  4. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

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