On-line: what's going on around

Тема в разделе 'ALLODS2.EU: On-line', создана пользователем Neo, 21 окт 2012.

  1. skylike2010 Захожу на форум

    Форумные баллы:

    it's kind of balance due to the no-drop mode of game, but you can try to look for the spots in Twins and Jack of Death that have extremely fast xp mobs.
  2. Traphalet Фанат А2

    Форумные баллы:

    Seems that the server is 'jammed' , the maps are not changing because the time won't change. If you look on the status page and wait for more than 1 minute, you won't see the time changing for any map.

    Also, I can connect to the hat, reach the lobby but can't enter any map. The game remains frozen for ~ 15 seconds after which it gives me the "Hat doesn't respond" window, followed by an empty map list and a redirection to login.

    As it's been happening for ~ 10 minutes for me (current time 02:17 GMT) , is anyone else having this problem ?
  3. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

  4. syphiroth Аллодер

  5. ShadowLord Только зарегался

    Why I can login game ? It talk the of or password wrong . Id is email registión on allods?????
  6. ShadowLord Только зарегался

    Pls help me.
  7. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

    To join game you need create login, cabinet (email) is used only for site/forum.
    Follow this link to create game login: http://allods2.eu/en/cabinet/newlogin/
  8. elpyhun Только зарегался

    Hi all!
    What is the period of the auction house -50% sale (real money)?
  9. Reine Такой красивый женщина, ух!

    Форумные баллы:

    с 15.04.16 17:00 МСК по 18.04.16 17:00 МСК*

    *Moscow timezone

    so, time is over)
  10. elpyhun Только зарегался

    and the next one? :)
  11. Reine Такой красивый женщина, ух!

    Форумные баллы:

    who knows)
    this action was due with Birthday of A2
  12. Anotomix Administrator (Администратор)

    Форумные баллы:

  13. Общак Balance maker / Балансёр (PvP)

    Форумные баллы:

    Tourament will be today, 22.04, 18:00 GMT
    If you wish participate, join HC EQuest 05 server, map Forever and Never v1.5
    It will takes about 2-3 hours.
    You can join only just created character.
  14. Cthulchu Знатный флудер

    Форумные баллы:

    We have now a neat discord channel where you can chat with your fellow alloders, ask questions and get aid.
    Please follow the link and go through a short tour in case you're new to Discord: https://discord.gg/8cbxtmk
    Traphalet нравится это.
  15. shelya Фанат А2

    Форумные баллы:

    Forever and Never v1.4 is a Softcore map with Mage Full c5 almost impossible to get. I tried many times and remained near the spawn. Fortunately, GameMaster Grief noticed my efforts and helped me to go through. Thanks for that!
  16. Cthulchu Знатный флудер

    Форумные баллы:

    Hey folks, I've been working on an ultimate guide for English-speaking players. Please check it out here:


    Don't hesitate to leave your comments on the forum or Discord:

    shelya нравится это.
  17. tinamu Аллодер

    I am very impressed reading your guide, Cthulchu. The rest entirely depends on every one who's playing, and how he or she follows given recommendations.
    I'd like to help this project, but I never used to pay with PayPal, they say there are significant losses when paying using this service. Have you got, maybe, some bank account where I can do some money transfer, or maybe just using some services like Moneygramm or Western Union? Why not, as soon as we're kinda one big family? I will deal with that PayPal if there's no more ways to do this, by any reasons, of course.

    Once again thank you for your enormous efforts, mate. It deserves to be highly appreciated and respected, indeed.
    shelya нравится это.
  18. Cthulchu Знатный флудер

    Форумные баллы:

    I'm glad you like it. This is a very good game and the server is great, so I felt it was a great shame that all the content existed only in Russian. English-speaking players ended up stopping playing before even Hard. That's a shame. My aim is to show the English-speaking community the real beauty of this game :)


    we should move these posts from here. this shouldn't be on the homepage :)


    Paypal sucks. it charges something around 3% to cash the money. And it's probably even higher in Russia. Moreover, it has some weird rules around chargebacks and whatnot. Anyhow, it becomes really annoying only after the first thousand. Before that, it's cheaper than swift wire transfers, which is what I use for everything above a thou.
  19. shelya Фанат А2

    Форумные баллы:

    Hear ye, hear ye! The new English [EN] clan invites all anglophones of Allods 2 to join our friendful union.
    Cthulchu нравится это.
  20. tinamu Аллодер

    Hardly can believe when same players kill other players at respawns and admins can't help it. Same nicknames, every time - 'Hamming|Way' 'белый|мечник' 'воительниц|беспорядка'. Hard and Horror maps.

    Sorry - I'm confused with Humming|Way, sorry, mate. Someone else killed me at resp, not him.

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